San Francisco, USA

Nikhila Ravi


She's a Cambridge University Engineering Grad who learnt to code after university through Founders and Coders, a free coding school in London. It was during the 3 months of code school that she learnt full stack Java Script and wrote my first Node.js server :) Since then she have worked on building a React Native App for a start up, a React + GraphQL + AWS Lambda website for the Thomas Cook group, given talks about Serverless Architecture at NodeConf London, ServerelessConf NYC and several meetups, and also mentored at NodeGirls London. For the past year, She has been studying Machine Learning and AI at Harvard University as a Kennedy Scholar, and this summer She is co-directing the launch of, a non-profit to promote and develop Open Source AI for Education. From August this year She'll be joining Facebook as a developer in Menlo Park! When She is not coding, she like to play cricket and tennis, practice yoga, and create vegan recipes for my blog

details about the talk

Node.js <=> Machine Learning

Machine Learning (ML) and Artificial Intelligence are becoming ubiquitous in websites, chatbots and mobile apps. While Node.js may not be the language of choice for building and training ML models, it is an excellent option for building the user-facing server layer that brings ML product to life.

In this talk learn about the ways that Node and ML can work together whether it’s through running ML models in the browser (using WebAssembly and WebGPU) or writing a node server for an ML chatbot.

She’ll show you how to take a pre-trained ML model built on any library (e.g. TensorFlow, Torch) and any language (python, lua), and build and deploy a node server for a Facebook messenger bot that interfaces with the model.